


Dear staff in Indonesia, India and Japan,
      We will soon welcome the Spring Festival of the Year of Monkey, one of the important traditional Chinese festivals. At the threshold of the Monkey Year implying good fortune and wellbeing, I will extend the cordial regards on behalf of Golden Concord Holdings Limited and all the shareholders!
      每逢佳节倍思亲。在春节这个特别的日子里,我们特别掂记着远在异国他乡的员工们,牵挂你们的工作,关心你们的健康,祈福你们的安全。2015 年,你们肩负重任,远离家乡,踏遍千山万水,吃尽千辛万苦,探索千方百计,在国外艰辛奋战,无悔奉献,促进了协鑫海外业务版图的日益拓展。电力方面,我们成功中标印度尼西亚 2×125兆瓦电力项目,标志着集团电力业务大步迈向国际化,走出了协鑫在“一带一路”上的第一步;集成和新能源方面,在印度开展了广泛的市场调研和缜密的项目论证,为协鑫集团、EIL与印度安得拉邦政府顺利签订谅解备忘录,为印度“港电网园厂”各个项目创造了条件;新能源方面,在日本成功建成福岛矢吹町2号光伏电站、千叶县佐仓市屋顶光伏电站、神奈川生麦市屋顶光伏电站三个光伏项目。这些成功,每一步都凝聚着你们的智慧和汗水,你们开拓海外市场的经验越来越成熟,你们在平凡岗位上的开拓性成就越发伟大,协鑫人永远不会忘记你们。你们每一个前进的步伐,都象征着中华民族,都代表着中国协鑫,我要代表全体协鑫人,感恩你们在那遥远的地方,舍小家保大家,作出了非同寻常的奉献,你们不容易,你们辛苦啦!
      People always miss their families more on festive occasions. Particularly, in the Chinese New Year, I miss you, our staff in the foreign countries far away from us in China: I am concerned about your work, your health, your safety and your wellbeing. In 2015, it was you who left your hometown, traveling a lot to the untraversed place just for the responsibility on your shoulders. It was you who went through hardships, working hard and devoting yourselves without regret to eventually expand the business scope of GCL overseas. In terms of our achievements in the electric power, we won the bidding of Indonesia 2x125 MW electric power project, marking the big progress of internationalization of the group in the electric power business as the first step of GCL on the path of “One Belt, One Road”. In terms of integration and new energy, we carried out extensive market survey and careful project assessment in India, creating conditions for the signing of the MOU between GCL, EIL and Andhra Pradesh government of India and the running of the projects of “Port Power Grid Plant” in India. In terms of the new energy, we successfully established three photovoltaic projects in Japan: No. 2 photovoltaic plant in Yubuki, Fukushima, BAPV plant in Sakura, Chiba-ken, and BAPV plant in Namamugi, Kanagawa. Every step of the accomplishments resulted from your wisdom and efforts. As you are becoming more and more experienced in the extension of the overseas market, you also make greater and greater achievements even on the ordinary posts. GCL people will never forget what you have done. In fact, every progress you made represents the spirit of the Chinese people and China GCL. Now, allow me to pay tribute to you for your extraordinary contributions in the remote area and for your sacrifice for the collective interests on behalf of all the GCL people. Thank you for your selfless dedications!
      The Bingshen Year of Monkey in the Chinese lunar calendar is coming. Monkey implies rich in the Chinese culture. Sun Wukong, the Monkey King is not only a symbol of wisdom and cleverness but also a virtue—never afraid of any difficulties to go for the goal. 2016 is the first year of the “13th Five-Year Plan” of China. When we are celebrating the Spring Festival here in China, you still have to be on duty in the foreign countries. I wish that the principals of our oil and gas project in Africa can comprehensively implement every step of the deployment proposed in the annual operation conference of the group to adapt to the “New Normal” of the economic growth by summarizing our previous experiences with the spirit of “the golden Monkey King who is waving his stick to clear all the dirties in the world”. Let’s set aside fears and stride to the New Year. During the festival, please pay attention to the security in production and operation to ensure the personal and property safety. Besides, we should take good care of the staff and their relatives who will be there spending the festival, to make them feel the warmth as if they were at home. Remember to take my regards to them on the New Year Eve!
      Indonesia is the country inhabited by the largest number of the overseas Chinese who still observe the habits and cultural traditions with strong Chinese features. The first day of the year is also the public holiday in Indonesia. India, one of our near neighbors, shares a more and more extensive cooperative scope with China. Japan, originated from the same language and same race with Chin, still preserves the custom of the Chinese people in some regions—celebrating the New Year in the first day of the Chinese lunar calendar year. I therefore sincerely wish that you can seek common grounds while preserving differences, overcoming the cultural shocks to be integrated into the life of the local people. Besides, you should try to create the festive atmosphere with Chinese flavors, making the Spring Festival a day of the communication of cultures with GCL trademark. We miss you, as much as your families in China. Please remember to make a New Year call to your family with the modern communication tools and please also forward my most sincere regards to them.
      Wish you all health and good luck in the Year of Monkey!
      协鑫(集团)控股有限公司董事长 朱共山
Chairman of Golden Concord Holdings Limited
          2016年2月7日Feb 7, 2016